Chadd and Jason try to apologize for how late their comic has now become.
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Inane Logic is the webcomic from the minds of Chadd Keim and Jason Truman.
This is our way of commenting on the world of the cubicle jungle, with a super hero twist.
We'll be destroying that 4th wall all over the place. =-) It's going to be fun.
Going 80's Berlin on the fourth wall is a gag strip staple!
Smash on!
keep em coming boys!
Good start. I'll try to wait patiently for more.
You're cognizant of the Rule of Threes? Great stuff fellas! I think you're gunna be a big hit. Your wit is the shit.
I really like it.
Great dialogue. I'm digging it.
Makes me itch to do a comic again.
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